The new country code extension of the Nigerian dominion is a force to be reckoned with and there is no doubt about it, but the question that comes to mind every time is: Will it be a blessing for this great country or another curse like black gold or call it oil?
The Internet Registry Association of Nigeria has launched .ng to further improve the use of Internet names. However, .ng is not just limited to Nigerians; The new country code just released has been adopted by, Google and others to protect their brands, and has also been adopted by some domain business gurus. The new extension is a new source of monetary income for Nigeria and those who have domain business ideas.
The extension will surely improve the country’s economy like oil if some important factors are taken into consideration as soon as possible. .ng ccTLD is a second level extension that suits all calibers of domain traders.
Unlike the extension, .ng is much more virtuous for those who have the knowledge and foresight for the domain business; This particular extension encompasses every industry of mankind ever known, such as the king of domain extensions known; .ng allows for premium names that are no longer available when .ng is added instead of .com; also makes premium domains available when .ng is added to some unavailable premium names involving vowels; more generic words like the following: instead of also instead of while da instead of
As I write this message, most of the premium names with .ng extension have been registered or secured because they are no longer available or have not been reserved by the Internet Registration Association of Nigeria.
As of now, within two months, some high-profile domains have been registered, such as,, Banking,, Hosting, etc. Additionally, most of the four premium short letters are now on the back, such as extension, i.e., etc. I’m not really sure if will be available now or as soon as possible. The extension was launched on April 16, 2013 and now in May, getting the high-profile generic is like going through the eye of a needle.
The extension has to do with any industry, whether it is law or any trade or business that you can mention, you even need it more when you, to avoid some traffic or loss of customers to your competitors.
This is another source of income for Nigeria as a nation and as individuals if they invest quickly in the right domains before someone else acquires them; The domain is much more profitable in foreign currency. Most of these domains will surely cost millions of dollars in the nearest future.
I am now inviting entrepreneurs to come and invest in this lucrative market before others take all the good money; However, the domain business is highly investment in nature, but appreciates in due time like real estate, unlike stocks; The domain is very profitable if you can get a good generic now and this is the time to invest real money in the business.
This is a much better wealth generating business than the stock market, every individual can buy/register any available short one word and high profile generic domain in this new country code extension.
Lastly, I write this to invite Nigerians to avoid the loss of most of our fortune on the Internet or the opportunity for many easily educated people from other nations to come at the right time and have their own share in the property virtual Internet as soon as possible. possible.
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